May 4, 2014


Why go...Birth place of Mother Theresa.  Beautiful, rural country with lots of lovely old monasteries, and a big mixture of Baltic ethnicities.

Cultural tour of Macedonia!  Traditional food, music, dance, crafts.  

Tour Macedonian monasteries!  

Skopje, central Macedonia.  The capital city.  Museums, churches, and bazaars.  A city with Roman, Byzantian, and Ottoman architecture.  

Prilep, western Macedonia.  Treskavec Monastery. 

Debar, western Macedonia.  Galicnik Wedding Festival!  Every July, one couple is chosen to be married in the region's traditional style.  It is a 2 day wedding/festival that the whole community, as well as tourists, can take part in!  It begins in the cemetery, where the groom and his family invite the departed relatives to the wedding, includes processions through town, and ends with dancing!

Kriva Palanka, eastern Macedonia.  St. Joachim Osogovski Monastery. 

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