May 19, 2014


Why go...scuba diving, beautiful beaches, rainforest, native culture, mayan ruins!

Dive Fleet

Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve, on the Caribbean coast.  The largest rainforest in Central America.  La Ruta Moskitia Ecotourism Alliance is a collection of indigenous communities in the area that arrange tours through the reserve!  Spot crocodiles as you canoe down rivers! Hear local music and folklore, and see traditional dances!  Learn jungle survival skills!

Roatan, one of the Bay Islands off the coast in the Caribbean.   Scuba diving! Hiking through the jungle! Cultural and historical tours including pirates, assorted ethnic groups, and colonial history!  Oh my! Zipline canopy tours, wildlife sanctuaries, Gumba Limba Park , Anthony's Key (which houses the Roatan Institutue of Marine Science where you can take a marine biology class!),river rafting, local markets and music, Mayan ruins, Maya Key  (which has an enclosed sting ray pool to snorkel in!).
Infinity Bay Hotel.  Is a lovely resort on a beautiful beach and they also arrange dives with whale sharks, the biggest fish in the sea!

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