Dec 26, 2014


Why go...Oldest city in California!  Gold was discovered nearby in 1849, and triggered the largest human migration in history!  A fun, historical town.

Citizen Hotel 

Sutter's Fort!  Built in 1839, this is the original European settlement in the area!  See what life was like back then at this living history museum! 

Dive Bar!  Aquarium with mermaid above the bar!  The world needs more mermaid attractions!  

Creative Juices is a wine bar that supplies painting material while you drink!  Drink and paint!  How fun!
Tower Bridge.JPG

Historic Old Sacramento! This organization does a ton of cool things including historical tours, ghost tours of the city, and underground tours!  Sacramento has an extensive underground to explore because the current city street was actually built over the original city street!

Delta King River Boat!  This historical river boat has a mystery dinner theater!  I love the idea of snooping around a boat looking for the culprit!

Old City Cemetery.  Beautiful historic cemetery.  The perfect mix of beautiful and spooky. Lots of awesome, historic tours available! 

Old Sacramento!   A historic district preserved from it's original days, now a touristy spot.  It has lots of neat museums, including a recreation of a 19th century hardware shop! 

Railbridge Cellars.  A wine bar with an upstairs and underground!  Mellow and pretty!


UC Davis Arboretum.  They have a myriad of themed garden.  I love the idea of strolling through all these diverse and beautiful settings in the same day.

UC Davis California Raptor Center!  Go to an open house and meet the resident birds!  
Buddy is a Great Horned Owl

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