Aug 29, 2014


Why go...Ancient culture on the Silk Road bridging the East and West, lots of pretty monasteries, beautiful land, reknowned hospitality, first Christian country in the world, and interesting food! 
File:Sanahin-raffi kojian-DCP

Yeghegnadzor.  Selim Caravasanry - Built in 1332, ancient traders would stop here while traveling the Silk Road, like a truck stop for the ancient world!   

Goris.  Old Khndzoresk - a cave city that was inhabited until the 1960s!    

Jermuk.  Hot springs resort town popular in the Soviet era!  Armenia Jermuk Resort Sanatorium!  

Dilijan.  "Armenian Switzerland!"  Lots of monasteries.  Awesome museums about the history and culture of the region!  Molokan villiages, the Armenian version of the Amish!  Ananov guest house; this awesome hotel arranges tours, hiking, cooking classes, horse back riding, fishing, and community projects in the village!  

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